רמת הנדיב

5.0 · 1 | צפון | מרחק 55 ק״מ | לא ביקרתי
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גני רוטשילד הנצחת זכרו של הברון רוטשילד שקבור במרכז הגנים. הכניסה לגנים בחינם אבל חניה בתשלום.
Rebecca Maybaum
May 11, 2023 06:51

Impressive gardens! We love to come with our kids and walk the paths between the many interesting and distinct parts of the garden, including interesting architectural elements as well as a rose garden, a fragrance garden, and more, and of course the crypt at the center. Good bathrooms and facilities available, including a visitor's center, multiple food options, and picnic tables. Our kids also liked climbing onto the roof of the visitor's center which give a bit of an elevated view.

We haven't yet done any of the walking trails in the large nature area adjacent to the cultivated garden, but look forward to exploring there next time. Highly recommended!