שמורת טבע שער פולג

2.0 · 1 | מרכז | מרחק 21 ק״מ | לא ביקרתי
אתר - עברית
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מנוהל על ידי רשות הטבע והגנים
Rebecca Maybaum
March 05, 2023 19:56

There weren't any signs or maps at the parking lot so we weren't sure which path to take. We first arrived at a nice pond surrounded by reeds. The symphony of frogs, crickets, and birds was really surprising! There was also a nice view from the hill overlooking Poleg stream. Apart from that though, it was a bit disappointing compared to other national parks. I wouldn't make the trip out just for this, but if you're in the area you might want to stop by.