כפר נחום

4.0 · 1 | צפון | מרחק 116 ק״מ | לא ביקרתי
Rebecca Maybaum
April 30, 2023 08:47

It was a bit confusing to find, since there are couple different sites in the area with the name Capernaum (we accidentally went to the Kfar Nahum national park first before realizing this was the site we had intended to visit!).

There is a beautiful church built above the ruins of an ancient synagogue that Jesus supposedly taught at. There are also remains of the ancient town of Kfar Nahum/Capernaum, and a collection of beautiful and intricate columns and lintels. Really impressive carvings including fruit, nature, geometric patterns, and Jewish symbols on the ancient stone. Be careful what time you go though, when we arrived the church was closed to the public because mass was in session, so we were only able to view the outside. It was still worth seeing though!